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职称:讲师 研究方向:思想政治教育心理学、网络思想政治教育、人格心理学 EMAIL:chanwu@whu.edu.cn





(1)Chen, W.,Fan, C. Y., Liu, Q. X., Zhou, Z. K., & Xie, X. C. (2016). Passive social network site use and subjective well-being: A moderated mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 507-514.(影响因子:6.829;刊物级别:SSCI一区)

(2)Xie, X., Chen, W.*, Zhu, X., & He, D. (2019). Parents’ phubbing increases Adolescents’ Mobile phone addiction: Roles of parent-child attachment, deviant peers, and gender. Children and Youth Services Review, 105, 104–426.(通讯作者). (影响因子:2.393; SSCI 一区)

(3)Chen, W.,Xie, X. C., Ping, F., & Wang, M. Z. (2017). Personality differences in online and offline self-disclosure preference among adolescents: A person-oriented approach. Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 175-178.(影响因子:3.004;刊物级别:SSCI二区)

(4)Chen, W.,Niu, G. F., Zhang, D. J., Fan, C. Y., Tian, Y., Zhou, Z. K. (2016). Socioeconomic status and life satisfaction in Chinese adolescents: Analysis of self-esteem as a mediator and optimism as a moderator. Personality and Individuals Differences, 95, 105–109.(影响因子:3.004;刊物级别:SSCI二区)

(5)Xie, X. C.,Chen, W.#,Lei, L., Xing, X., Zhang, Y. X. (2016). The relationship between personality types and prosocial behavior and aggression in Chinese adolescents. Personality and Individuals Differences, 95, 56–61. (共同第一作者;影响因子:3.004;刊物级别:SSCI二区)

(6)Wang, M. Z.,Chen, W.#,Zhang, C., & Deng, X. L. (2017). Personality types and scholarly creativity in undergraduate students: The mediating roles of creative styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 170-174. (共同第一作者;影响因子:3.004;刊物级别:SSCI二区)

(7)Zou, R., Niu, G.,Chen, W.,Fan, C., Tian, Y., Sun, X., & Zhou, Z. (2017). Socioeconomic Inequality and Life Satisfaction in Late Childhood and Adolescence: A Moderated Mediation Model. Social Indicators Research, 136, 305-318. (影响因子:2.614;刊物级别:SSCI一区)  

(8)陈武,李董平, 鲍振宙, 闫昱文, 周宗奎. (2015). 亲子依恋与青少年的问题性网络使用:一个有调节的中介模型. 心理学报, 5, 611–623. (中文权威期刊,CSSCI)中国人民大学复印报刊资料《心理学》2015年第9期全文转载 

(9)魏华,朱丽月,陈武#,刘元,张贤. (2021).粗暴养育对手机成瘾的影响:体验回避模型的视角.中国临床心理学杂志, 3, 501–505. (CSSCI,通讯作者)
